Parrot Boarding Services

We can provide a secure and loving environment for your parrots while you are away. Trust us with their care.

Whether you are having disruption at home from remodeling work or noisy houseguests or perhaps you need to travel and do not have someone to watch your feathered kids while you are away, you can rely on the friendly and knowledgeable staff at Inca's Secret to care for your parrot as they would their own. The nightly boarding rate includes your parrot's feed (so long as they eat something Inca's carries in stock).

If your parrot finds a staff member with whom they get along, we can upon request take your companion into the closed hallway for a little free-flight exercise and hands-on socialization.

Boarding Service Nightly Rates

Medical Records Requirements for Boarding.


We have strict requirements regarding your bird's medical and health screening records. ALL of these requirements must be met BEFORE you arrive at Inca's to drop off your parrot for boarding. There are two parts to the records requirements. One part is an annual checkup from your veterinarian. This MUST include 3 things that are not necessarily always included with such an exam, so please ensure that you have clarified this with your veterinarian. The three things are:

  • A Chem panel

  • A Gram Stain OR a Culture

  • CBC (blood cell count)

    We must have a copy of the results of this exam, including your veterinarian's statement that the bird is approved to board with other parrots.

The second part of the records we require is viral disease testing. Unlike the annual exam, CBC, Chem Panel and Gram Stain, which must be provided by a veterinarian, this portion of the records can be procured by anyone with access to a qualified testing laboratory. Inca's Secret can draw your samples for these tests for you. Please click the Grooming/Testing/Microchipping button in the top menu for more information and current pricing.

We require either proof of a negative test for each pathogen/disease or proof of vaccination if a vaccine for that pathogen/disease exists. The pathogens we require tests for are:

  • Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (Chlamydia psittaci)

  • Ornithosis (formerly called Psittacosis)

  • Polyoma (only required if the bird is 4 years of age or younger)

  • Avian Borna Virus (ABV)

ABV is an odd one as the existing tests vary wildly in effectiveness. We require two (2) separate tests for this pathogen. One can be the older ELISA test. We will also require either an rtPCR test or the anti-ganglioside antibody assay (AGAA) to go with the ELISA test. This last test is the most comprehensive as it does not test for the virus, rather it tests for one of the conditions it may cause.

Boarding fee is based on the days spent at Inca's. The day you drop off is always counted. The day you pick up is not counted, so long as you arrive for pickup before 2:00 p.m.